This article provides a step-by-step guide to help you open the control panel on your PC and test your DJ controller and its hardware and sound features.
Control panel HDJSeries2CPL opens and provides test features for these DJ controllers: DJControl Inpulse 200 ; DJControl Inpulse 200 MK2 ; DJControl Inpulse 300 ; DJControl Inpulse 300 MK2 ; DJControl Inpulse 500 ; DJControl Inpulse T7
However the control panel HDJSeries2CPL opens but does not provide test features for the following DJ controllers: DJConsole Rmx2 ; Hercules P32 DJ ; DJControl Jogvision ; DJControl Instinct P8
Opening the Control Panel in Windows
Before you begin, your DJ software must be closed.
Step 1: Install the “HDJCSeries PC” driver
Before proceeding, ensure you have installed the “HDJCSeries PC” driver for your DJ controller on your PC. You can find the driver on the page of your DJ controller on our website: Hercules Support
Step 2: Connect Your DJ Controller
Ensure your DJ Controller is connected to your computer via USB.
Step 3: Access the Control Panel
The control panel can open by clicking the "DJHERCULESMIX Series TrayAgent" icon in the hidden icons on the Windows task bar.
Otherwise, please follow the steps:
- Navigate to the following path on your computer: C:Program FilesDJHERCULESMIXAudioDJ Console Seriescpl2
- Click to open the app HDJSeries2CPL

Step 4: Test Your DJ Controller
In the control panel, click the "About" tab and perform the following tests:
(The controllers shown as an example are the DJControl Inpulse 500 and the DJControl Inpulse T7)
- Audio Test: Check the sound output. Click the icon to output audio to the Master outputs for speakers or headphones. The icon will light up green during testing.

- MIDI Controls Test: Ensure all buttons and knobs are responsive. Press buttons, move faders and jogwheels to light up the icon. The icon should light up green every time the signal is successfully received.

- Lighting Test: Verify that all lights on the controller are functioning. Click the icon to light up the controller. Click the icon to turn on all LEDs on the controller. The icon will light up green during testing.

- Motorized Platters Test: Applicable for DJControl Inpulse T7 only. Ensure the platters are spinning correctly. Press icon 1 or 2, the platter icon and the MIDI icon should light up and the platter should move.

Additional support
If you have noticed an issue that is repeating in the control panel, contact Hercules technical support for further assistance. Provide them with detailed information about the issue, including any error messages or unusual behaviour.
We hope this guide helps you!